Saturday, June 16, 2012

Meeting Mrs. Drummond

On June 15th 2012, Cora and I went up to Quincy Steamboat, a small gourmet food store with cooking classes, and catering. We went in to talk to Sondra Bartley, the current owner of Quincy Steam Boat and ex-wife of Stan Lee Bartley (The biological father that has denied me all my life). I went to her in hopes to find answers that I’ve had all my life and she seemed like my only hope. I had a list of questions I had composed, growing up without answers is like a burden. However, Sondra wasn’t there. Her granddaughter, daughter of Shay Bartley Drummond (her name N/A), explained that Sondra was heading to Washington D.C. on a cooking trip and when I asked her for Sondra's cell phone number, she gave it to me. advised us to contact her on her cell phone. She gave us her cell phone number and I explained my relations to her. I told her that I was Stan Bartley’s son, and she froze. Cora cut in and said, “He’s the product of an affair that Stan Bartley had with one of his patients.” It was as if the girl had to catch her breath just to say, “wow this is just A LOT to take in at once”. I handed her the envelope with the list of questions and asked her to give them to Sondra when she came back. After that, we left.

 Mom n' Me!